3 Things to Take Away

1. The first thing I will take away from thins class is using the rules of dominance more when taking shots and in editing.  Looking at things that could be distracting in photos that I would not normally look out for.  It makes more sense knowing the rules of dominance now and as I look back at old photos I can see some thing that I could have done better.

2.  The second thing that I will take away is to take time during each and every shot rather than just holding the shutter and hoping for a good shot to turn out.  There are times when this works like during peak action at sporting events but not so much when taking landscapes of nature photography. This would help having a more pleasing image as the result rather than running out to a spot and snapping the shot and leaving.

3.  The camera can only do so much.  The third take away is to further my editing ability and dig into more of what lightroom and photoshop can do and use them to my advantage.  A great photo starts with the camera and how you capture the shot but using editing software can take a photo to the next level.


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